Happy Thanksgiving from me and mine to you and yours. Wishing you enough...
“Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, and said, “LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 kings 6:16-17
Just like Elisha's servant we need to ask GOD to open our eyes during the difficult times so that we can see the warriors there to defend us. Often times we feel alone in our defeat but we are only viewing our circumstances through our earthly eyes. If we could see the heavenly hosts that are called to our aid we would no longer fear our trials but instead embrace them. Take heart that you are not alone. During your dark times, close your eyes and listen for the rustling of the horses and chariots of fire...THEN know that GOD has ALWAYS got your back.
As Annie sings..the sun WILL come up tomorrow. Over the last 10 months the universe has been handing me a royal a$$ whooping. I've been dealt a hand that I didn't really want. It peaked with me sleeping on an air mattress in my parents living room. I was handed defeat after defeat. I was at the bottom. I lost my job, my wife left me for another, I couldn't keep my kids because I was sleeping on the floor of my parents house. But as low as I got one thing was always clear. The sun rose the next day. Maybe GOD has given us a perpetual sign of faith. The SON always rises. Jesus died and rose again. So no matter how bad things get always know the sun always rises on a brand new day. Dust yourself off. Pick yourself up. Get back in the game. Each new day is a brand new canvas to paint your future.
There is more to stop and smell the roses than we think. Ever wonder how life was before technology. It is said that animals possess a kind of inner sense of the world. A sixth sense if you will. Stories of dogs getting freaky right before an earthquake. I've noticed that a few days before a storm the birds will congregate on the wires. Do they know a storm is coming and if so how? GOD is magnificent in his design. The birds come together to weather the storm as a group for protection then part to resume their lives. We could learn something by allowing ourselves to come together to weather our own storms. However, I think our lives have become so dependent on technology that we have lost the gifts GOD has granted us. We have lost that inner connection to the natural world...and because of that disconnect we feel lost and alone. Well it is still there. Turn off the computer. Turn off the cell phones. Step outside and smell the roses. Watch the birds. Listen to the natural rhythm of the world around you. -E-
This is how I imagine the life of a Christian is. Of course the dragon would be replaced with a serpent but you get the drift. The serpent, devil, satan, evil one…whatever you want to label it, is lying in wait for everyone. Believer or non-believer. In John 10:10 Jesus states “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy”. However, I believe it is the believer that is the target more so than the non-believer. How often are we, as believers, whipping ourselves with our own guilt and shame at what we have done? How often do we expect more from ourselves than we do others? How often do we tell ourselves “I should have known better”? The adversary as it is sometimes referred to used to be the Worship leader in Heaven. One of the archangels of GOD. The adversary knows the bible, the scriptures, the history backwards and forwards. For anyone that thinks that enough learning, education or memorization will match what the adversary knows all I can say is what my friend Vizzini says in the Princess Bride…
VIZZINI: Let me put it this way: have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?
VIZZINI: Morons.
The battle has already been won by Jesus Christ. It’s time to stop beating ourselves up and start pushing for more ground into the enemies camp…it’s time to put on the armor of GOD and get back in the war.